KGA Education Consult


KGA Education Consult was established in 2014 but officially launched on September 1, 2021. We are a consultancy primarily focused not only on completing the application package for admission but also helping prospective international students navigate through the application for admission process for Canadian Universities and Colleges. We are aware of how challenging this process could be for prospective students that is why we assist them in choosing a school and program that will not only meet their career objectives but also give them a higher chance of securing admission in a designated Canadian University or College. 

We also are aware of how challenging it is for prospective students when applying for the required immigration document needed for their studies in Canada. We, therefore, help students through various information sessions and provide them with the relevant information needed for immigration applications. It is important to mention that we are not a visa agency, so we only provide information to students who are ready to apply for their study permit or visa.



Trust is a huge component of any successful venture in life, and trust usually thrives in an environment where integrity is the order of the day. That is why we strive to ensure our clients trust us, and this we do by exhibiting a high level of integrity when dealing with all clients because a life of integrity can not easily be put asunder.


Equality is a value that is upheld in high esteem in our organization. Dealing with people from different academic, race, culture, and economic backgrounds demands each person gets a fair treatment and is given what is due them. This we do by spending quality time to treat every application file with the same level of attention and focus


Our organization does not treat clients as mere clients but goes an extra mile to make them feel at ease when dealing with us. Our client-centred approach ensures that our clients have feel cherished and are at ease to ask questions without feeling uncomfortable.

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